Lay ministry is important at Varina Church. Lay readers and lectors participate in all services. More than a dozen parishioners act as lay readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers. The youth and college students of the parish lead certain services (Youth Sunday, Lessons and Carols). During the church year, various "red-letter" days are celebrated with special services. In addition to the traditional Lenten, Easter, and Christmas services, we also hold various special services in conjunction with parish meals and meetings. Christian Education Christian Education at Varina Church actively involves both children and adults in a variety of educational and worship activities. Classroom settings are provided for adults and all children pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Our Parish Hall houses all Sunday School classes, which are led by a team of dedicated volunteers. All children's classes use the Episcopal Children's Curriculum and the adult class affords an opportunity to discuss important issues facing our members today. Music/Choir Although Varinia Church has a small congregation, there has always been an active music program. The choir averages ten members, and is comprised of volunteer members. There is a paid Choirmaster/Organist. The choir works on weekly as well as seasonal programs and also supports Varina's joint-church music program. There is an active bell choir that presents music pieces for various church services. Acolytes Acolytes are trained by the rector and a lay chair. They assist at the worship service by lighting altar candles, carrying the processional cross, giving and receiving of the alms basins, and assisting the rector in preparing bread and wine for the Holy Eucharist. Our acolytes consist of our youth grades 2 to 12. Vestry The Vestry meets on a monthly basis. The Vestry at Varina has 5 members. The Vestry of Varina Church defines its primary duties at:
The altar guild is composed of 27 dedicated women of the church. They work in groups of 2 or 3 each month, under the direction of a chairwoman. Members prepare the altar for all service, by providing and arranging the altar flowers, and changing the linens. Altar guild members clean and care for the silver and brass, a well as the altar linens. Episcopal Church Women The Varina Episcopal Church Women is a group of approximately 20 women who get together monthly. Their efforts are focused on fellowship and fund-raising for outreach ministries. Youth Group The youth group includes our young people from grades 6-12. The group gets together monthly for fellowship, service, and fun. |
Varina Episcopal Church
2385 Mill Road Henrico, VA 23231 [email protected] 804-795-5340 Schedule Sunday Service: 10:15am |